Live Interview at Nasdaq #NasdaqSpotlight

Sherry Dobbin & Patrick Duffy (Design Pavilion, Global Fashion Exchange) in conversation about Cultural Sustainability for NASDAQ Spotlight, at Nasdaq MarketSite, Times Square, for the NYC x Design 2019. 

While Managing & Cultural Director and Partner at Futurecity, overseeing international development of cultural strategies that include programmatic frameworks, cultural infrastructure, and art commissions she spoke about current and past approaches to building in cultural sustainability. Her work as Founder and Director of Times Square Arts has become an international exemplar for programming in the public realm and has also informed her strategies for London Bridge, Exhibition Road and Wembley Park in London. Previously, she was Director of Robert Wilson’s Watermill Center (avant-garde incubator and museum); Director of GreenHeart Partnership (Arts+Environment+local government partnership) and producer across four continents in all art forms. Her expertise across new cultural development models, public-private partnership cultural collaborations, and the role of moving image in public spaces, makes her a regular speaker and advisor for international conferences across arts & design, review committees and governments.


London-based. American-born. Times Square-tested. Internationally Distributed.

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